Employment Statistics of Pariaman Municipality 2019 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pariaman Municipality

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Employment Statistics of Pariaman Municipality 2019

Catalog Number : 2301004.1377
Publication Number : 13770.2007
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-1390-81-8
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : June 23, 2020
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.62 MB


Pariaman City Employment Statistics 2019 is a publication that contains indicators and a brief review of the state of the Pariaman City workforce in 2019. Data is obtained from the results of the 2019 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas). Sakernas is a routine survey conducted by the Central Statistics Agency every February and August, specifically examining the subject of employment. This publication uses data from the Sakernas results in August 2019 with a selected sample of 438 households spread across 4 sub-districts in Kota Pariaman. Sakernas results in August can only present data up to the district / city level. For additional information, this publication uses a weighting of the population of the projection of population in 2010-2035.
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