Pariaman Municipality in Figures 2020, Delivering Data to Inform Development Planning - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pariaman Municipality

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Pariaman Municipality in Figures 2020, Delivering Data to Inform Development Planning

Catalog Number : 1102002.1377
Publication Number : 13770.2002
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-1390-80-1
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : February 28, 2020
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 10.41 MB


Pariaman Municipality in Figures 2020, Delivering Data to Inform Development Planning is an adhoc publication at 2020 written by BPS of Pariaman Municipality to accelarate delivering data to inform development planning. Honestly, this publication has not perfect yet and has not filled the user’s hope, especially for the planners yet, but hopely it can help to equip compilation of development planning in this Pariaman Municipality.This comprehensive publication has been made possible with the assistance and contribution from several governmental institutions and private organizations. To all parties who have been involved in the preparation of this publication, I would like to express my sincerest appreciation and gratitude.
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