In February 2023, Year on Year inflation for the City of Padang was 6.80 percent and the City of Bukittinggi was 7.37 percent. In aggregate, the 2 Cities' Year on Year inflation was 6.87 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pariaman Municipality

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Waktu Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS Kota Pariaman Setiap hari Senin-Jumat Pukul 08.00-15.30 WIB (Istirahat Pukul 12.00-13.00 WIB)

Pengajuan Rekomendasi Kegiatan Statistik, Klik Link berikut : Romantik 

In February 2023, Year on Year inflation for the City of Padang was 6.80 percent and the City of Bukittinggi was 7.37 percent. In aggregate, the 2 Cities' Year on Year inflation was 6.87 percent

Release Date : March 10, 2023
File Size : 1.81 MB


In February 2023, on a Month to Month (m-to-m) basis there was inflation in Padang City of 0.13 percent and in Bukittinggi City there was inflation of 0.10 percent. In aggregate, the combined 2 cities' m-to-m inflation was recorded at 0.13 percent.
In February 2023, Year on Year (y-on-y) inflation for the City of Padang was 6.80 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 115.37 and the City of Bukittinggi was 7.37 percent with a CPI of 115.42. In aggregate, the year on year inflation of the 2 cities combined was 6.87 percent with a CPI of 115.38.
As of February 2023, on a Year to Date (y-to-d) inflation rate for the City of Padang was 0.58 percent and the City of Bukittinggi had inflation of 0.49 percent. In aggregate, y-to-d inflation for the 2 cities combined was recorded at 0.58 percent
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